Orlando, often referred to as "the vacation capital of the world," is packed with family attractions as well as a vibrant performing and visual arts, science and cultural presence.

Guest Rooms - Executive Suites

There are 17 Executive Suites available, five one-bedroom, six one-bedroom suites with balcony and six two-bedroom suites with balcony.

The parlors on all suites are 208 square feet total with a sofa bed, servi-bar and living area. The primary bedroom in all suites is a connecting king bedroom with the secondary connecting room on six of the suites being a room with two double beds.

A 190 square foot balcony is available in six one-bedroom suites and six additional two-bedroom suites.

Reception capacity is 10 to 15 guests. The suites will accommodate 20 to 30 guests on a flow basis.

In-room dining



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