Wine Cellar

At The Peabody Orlando, Bacchus rules. Attend any of the hotel’s “wine pairing” events and the language du jour will be Wines! There is a shared passion for good wine among the restaurant and banquet staff. And it shows in the quality and diversity of wines on the hotel’s carte du vin and the loving care with which wines are housed, stored and “allowed to sleep” before pouring for guests.

It’s not surprising that the bible of wine aficionados, The Wine Spectator has honored The Peabody Orlando’s Wine Cellar with an Award of Excellence.

The hotel’s magnificent exhibition Wine Cellar, with its see-through double-glazed doors and walls, brass trim and state-of-the-art temperature and humidity controls, straddles both Dux® and Capriccio™.

Whether dining at any of the restaurants of The Peabody Orlando or attending a gala event for 3,000, the wines will be superb, served with style and panache, the perfect accompaniment to the most deliciously sensuous foods in town.

A votre sante!



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